Teaching Experience
I view my teaching fundamentally as characterized by a transformative relationship between myself, as an instructor, and my students — one in which each person brings their lived experiences and knowledges to the table in order to explore questions of language, identity, and the social world. This mutual exchange is crucial, as it builds a rapport that invites students to reflect on and challenge their own understanding of language.
Courses I’ve Taught
Elon University
Introduction to Linguistics (ENG 3010)
Language and Society (ENG 2040)
Grammar (ENG 2050)
Writing, Argument, and Iquiry (ENG 1100)
University of South Carolina
Language Gender and Sexuality (LING 305/WGST 430/ENGL 439)
Introduction to Language (LING 101)
Language Conflict and Language Rights (LING 240)
Beyond the Binary: Reading and Researching about Trans Identities (ENGL 102 Capstone Section)
Critical Reading and Composition (ENGL 101)
Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 102)
Additional Teaching Resouces
After the THEY 2019 Conference, I participated in an output group to develop materials for instructors to learn how to develop more gender-affirming pronoun practices in their classrooms. The full guide can be found here.
Read my review of Kevin M. Ganon's book Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto (2020) on the Teaching Incubator Blog here.
In Fall 2019, I created and facilitated a 50-minute workshop for faculty and instructors on Trans Inclusion in the Classroom through the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina.
"In this interactive workshop, participants will discuss ways to make their classrooms more inclusive of trans and nonbinary students. We will cover specific tips for inclusive language practices, guidelines for the first day of class, and resources that are available for trans students on campus and in the community. We will collaboratively brainstorm strategies for dealing with a variety of situations that may arise in your classrooms. The goals of this session is to guide participants to think about issues that affect trans students, and to help instructors be prepared to support their trans students in the classroom."
I have completed several certificate programs the from the University of South Carolina's Center for Teaching Excellence.
Teaching Towards Inclusive Excellence Certificate. The TITE program develops awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion in creating a welcoming classroom environment and course design.
Teaching Online for Graduate Students Short Course. This short course prepares graduate students to teach high-quality online classes through learning online class best practices, how to translate course materials into an online format, and how to make online courses accessible and engaging.
Mental Health and Well-being Competency. This certificate helps instructors develop awareness of mental health issues in the classroom, how to engage in these conversations with students, and how to respond to trauma in the classroom.